Campbellite 基本解释
Campbellite is a mildly pejorative termThe Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary describes the term as "sometimes offensive."Merriam-Webster, I.以上来源于:Wikipedia
Campbellite 相关例句
Campbellite Church, Mantua Center, OHA Campbellite without guile [microform] : a study of Samuel Martin Hamilton's life and contributions to the Restoration Movement /Hall's Campbellite Catechism; With Conflicting Answers of Two Distinguished CampbellitesVarious Doctrinal Positions of The Campbellite Church of Christ And a Lutheran Response to Those PositionsDetroit Baptist Theological Seminary THE ORIGIN OF THE CAMPBELLITE MOVEMENTCampbellism Exposed: Contains One Hundred Reasons for Not Being a CampbelliteThe Campbellite Church (Classic Reprint)Why I Am Not A CampbelliteRelative cost to soil fertility of long-term crop production without fertilization.Filling-in of near-infrared solar lines by terrestrial fluorescence and other geophysical effects: simulations and space-based obser...