英:[kæ'nɪkɪn] 美: [kæ'nɪkɪn]
canikin 相关例句
Karadeniz’in En Önemli Metropollerinden Samsun’un Merkez Ilçesi Canik’in Demografik Yapisinin Sosyolojik TahliliBirinci Dünya Savaşı Yıllarında Canik’in İaşe DurumuRecent progress towards an advanced spherical torus operating point in NSTXThe effects of increasing lithium deposition on the power exhaust channel in NSTXDistribution and molecular characterization of apple proliferation phytoplasma in Turkey.Identification of different phytoplasmas infecting grapevine in Turkey.Analysis of the adaptability of Oriental tobacco cultivars in Yunnan.Abscess drainage by a retroperitoneoscopic technique in emphysematous pyelonephritis treatment.XIX. Yüzyilin İlk Yarısında Canik Zaviyelerinde Yerine Getirilen Hayrî Hizmetler (Sustaining of Charitable Services by Zâwiyas...Characterization of genetic resources and biodiversity conservation in domestic horse breeds.