Capa 基本解释
abbr.Corrective action and preventative action 纠偏措施和预防措施;[医][=cancer-associated polypeptide antigen]癌相关性多肽抗原;
Capa 相关例句
The Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment (CAPA)Characterization of a new subpopulation of mouse CD8alpha+ B220+ dendritic cells endowed with type 1 interferon production capacity ...Lineage analysis of transplanted individual cells in embryos of Drosophila melanogaster : II. Commitment and proliferative capabilit...Rediseño arquitectónico de la capa de presentación de la plataforma Quemes para incorporar atributos de calidad que mejoren la us...Incorporation of a Non㎞atural Arginine Analogue into a Cyclic Peptide Leads to Formation of Positively Charged Nanofibers Capable o...MODELO LINEAL PARA LA DETERMINACIÓN DE LA CAPA HEMIRREDUCTORA EN EQUIPOS DE RAYOS X USANDO DOSÍMETROS TERMOLUMINISCENTES TLD-100Plan de manejo ambiental para la importación de las sustancias agotadoras de la capa de ozono CFC - CFC - 12Di Salvo, T. G., Mathier, M., Semigran, M. J. & Dec, G. W. Preserved right ventricular ejection fraction predicts exercise capacity ...A Framework Linking Intangible Resources and Capabiliites to Sustainable Competitive AdvantageReview: current international research into cellulose nanofibres and nanocomposites