Carabus 相关例句
Carabus dovidi硕步甲
Carabus advidi硕步甲
Carabus lafossei拉步甲
Carabus smaragdinus绿步甲
Carabus nankotaizanus台湾拟食蜗步行虫
Carabus brandti麻步甲
Carabus elysii疑步甲
Carabus prodigus奇步甲
Carabus i拉步甲
CarabusCarabusEffects of forest cutting on two Carabus species : evidence for competition for food.Food limitation and competition: a field experiment with two Carabus speciesThe defensive secretion of Carabus lefebvrei Dejean 1826 pupa (Coleoptera, Carabidae): gland ultrastructure and chemical identificat...When morphometry meets genetics: inferring the phylogeography of Carabus solieri using Fourier analyses of pronotum and male genital...Extensive trans‐species mitochondrial polymorphisms in the carabid beetles Carabus subgenus Ohomopterus caused by repeated introgre...Differentiation at a microgeographical scale within two species of ground beetle, Carabus auronitens and C. nemoralis (Coleoptera, ...Experimental analysis of the effect of genital morphology on insemination success in the ground beetle Carabus insulicola (Coleopter...Morphological, genetic and behavioural analyses of a hybrid zone between the ground beetles Carabus lewisianus and C. albrechti...