英:[kɑ:bəʊ'haɪdreɪs] 美: [ˌkɑboʊ'haɪˌdreɪs]
carbohydrase 基本解释
Carbohydrase is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars.http://www.以上来源于:Wikipedia
carbohydrase 相关例句
Multicarbohydrase Enzymes for Non-ruminants.Carbohydrasen und Kohlenhydratverdauung im Darmtrakt von Locusta migratoriaBifidobacterium carbohydrases-their role in breakdown and synthesis ofBifidobacterium carbohydrases-their role in breakdown and synthesis of (potential) prebiotics.Die Carbohydrasen und Esterasen in Speicheldrüsen und Mitteldarm von Oncopeltus fasciatus Dall. (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)Multi-carbohydrase and phytase supplementation improves growth performance and liver insulin receptor sensitivity in broiler chicken...The effect of particle size of full-fat rapeseed and of multi-carbohydrase enzyme supplementation on nutrient digestibility and perf...Stufenweises Prüfschema für Zuckeraustauschstoffe — Vorprüfung mittels Enzymen. 3. Carbohydrasen aus Jejunalmucosa des MenschenNutritive values of corn, soybean meal, canola meal, and peas for broiler chickens as affected by a multicarbohydrase preparation of...Increased immunologic reactivity between human glomerular basement membrane and group A type 12 streptococcal cell membrane after ca...