Carnegiea 相关例句
Carnegiea gigantea 巨人柱 ; 仙人掌 ; 德州油柱
Carnegiea gigan原产于北美到墨西哥
Carnegiea Gigantica仙人掌仙人掌
Carnegiea gigantean仙人掌
Carnegiea Britton et Rose巨人柱属
AN 85‐YEAR STUDY OF SAGUARO (CARNEGIEA GIGANTEA) DEMOGRAPHYDistributional Associates of the Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea)ECOLOGY OF THE SAGUARO (CARNEGIEA GIGANTEA): PHENOLOGY AND ESTABLISHMENT IN MARGINAL POPULATIONSBranch direction in Carnegiea gigantea (Cactaceae) : Regional patterns and the effect of nurse plantsSAGUARO (CARNEGIEA GIGANTEA, CACTACEAE) GROWTH RATE OVER ITS AMERICAN RANGE AND THE LINK TO SUMMER PRECIPITATIONSaguaro (Carnegiea gigantea, Cactaceae) Age-Height Relationships and Growth: The Development of a General Growth CurveRegeneration cycles of the keystone species Carnegiea gigantea are linked to worldwide volcanismMorphology, Nurse Plants, and Minimum Apical Temperatures for Young Carnegiea giganteaRevisiting Bergmann's rule for saguaros (Carnegiea gigantea (Engelm.) Britt. and Rose): stem diameter patterns over spacePlant facilitation in extreme environments: The non-random distribution of saguaro cacti (Carnegiea gigantea) under their nurse asso...