carry bit
英:[ˈkæri bit] 美: [ˈkæri bɪt]
carry bit 相关例句
AN EFFICIENT CSLA ARCHITECTURE FOR VLSI HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION pdfMultiplier carry bit compression apparatus and methodInfluence of Implementation on the Properties of Pseudorandom Number Generators with a Carry BitDetermine the carry bit of carry-sum generated by unsigned MBE multiplier without final additionLow-Overhead Fault-Secure Parallel Prefix Adder by Carry-Bit DuplicationSelf-Checking Carry Look-ahead Adder by Carry-bit DuplicationA Design Method of Fault-Secure Parallel Prefix Adders by Carry-Bit DuplicationCarry free, bit parallel approximate squarers with linear complexity and constant delayDESIGN OF 16-BIT CARRY-LOOKAHEAD ADDER AND 8-BIT KOGGE-STONE ADDER USING GDI LOGIC锘Estimation of switching activity for ripple-carry adders adopting the dual bit type method