Cartilages 相关例句
The semilunar cartilagesTHE FUNCTION OF SEMILUNAR CARTILAGES.The healing of semilunar cartilages. 1936Ultrastructure of rabbit semilunar cartilagesThe shaping of pharyngeal cartilages during early development of the zebrafishOf the structure and disease of articulating cartilages. 1743.Altered proteoglycan synthesis by epiphyseal cartilages in culture at low SO4(2-) concentration.Comparison of the catabolic effects of fibronectin fragments in human knee and ankle cartilages.Isolation and characterization of collagen from the cartilages of brownbanded bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum) and blacktip sh...Chondrons in cartilage: ultrastructural analysis of the pericellular microenvironment in adult human articular cartilages.