cartroad 基本解释
n.any road or path affording passage especially a rough one同义词:trackcart track
n.any road or path affording passage especially a rough one同义词:trackcart track
cartroad 相关例句
A Path Less Traveled: An 18th-Century Historic Archaeological Context as Alternative Mitigation of the Reedy Island Cart Road SiteLandslide in Lebong Cart Road, traffic disruptedA Native Hut on the Cart Road Caracas to the Guaira. Size 10x4 feet - the home of three women and one child. Venezuela.SEATTLE JUST REST STOP ON CART ROAD MAP.(Sports)(IN THE FAST LANE)EndingsGeology and development of Aguacate mines, Costa RicaRoad and sand sledPattern recognition and knowledge discovery from road traffic accident data in Ethiopia: Implications for improving road safetyAt last, HP PWD to repair VIP Shimla roadRoad Metaphors Are Powerful in Encouraging Goal-Directed Action