英:['kɔ:zəbl] 美: ['kɔzəbl]
causable 基本解释
causable 相关例句
Causable mania (reactive, puerperal, secondary, life event related). The development of an ideaCausable mania (reactive, puerperal, secondary, life event related). The development of an ideaPathogenic Mechanisms and Causable Genes in Charcot-Marie-Tooth DiseasePossible Transmission of Causable Agent of Sarcoidosis Via Organ TransplantationFeatures extraction and analysis for classifying causable patterns in control chartsFeatures extraction and analysis for classifying causable patterns in control charts ☆How Atropine Interferes With the Epinephrine Secretion Causable by Morphine or Insulin ?Existence or Nonexistence of Causable Injury Risk Possibility at Neck Joint by using Autonomous Braking (AB) in Subsequent Frontal‐...IMPROVED SINKER FOR CIRCULAR HOSIERY KNITTING MACHINES, WITH HIGH RESISTANCE TO THE DANGER OF DAMAGE CAUSABLE BY CONTIGUOUS NEEDLESAnalysis on Current Situation and Causable Factors for Collective Forest Tenure Conflicts at Farm Householder Level——An Empirical ...