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Design, Construction and Metrology of the Overlap Detectors for the ALFA systemSpeed and Red Light Enforcement using Digital Cameras with International AcceptanceThe EMA/ CVMP Guideline for the conduct of efficacy studies for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and its practical implementationStudies of estrogen receptors in human osteoblastsFakult¨at fu¨r Physik und Astronomie Ruprecht-Karls-Universit¨at HeidelbergPréparer l'épreuve de sciences et technologies de l'habitat et de l'environnementPhysique - ChimieDie Dianthrone der pharmazeutisch interessierenden HydroxyanthrachinoneLow prenatal weight gain among adult WIC participants delivering term singleton infants: variation by maternal and program participa...Achados colonoscópicos em pessoas sem quadro clínico de doen?a colorretal