CD-ROM 相关例句
cd-rom driveCD-ROM驱动器
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Approaches [with CD-ROM]. Second Edition.The CELEX Lexical Database (Release 2) [CD-ROMThe CELEX lexical database (CD-ROM)Applied Interval Analysis, w. CD-ROMDARPA TIMIT acoustic-phonetic continous speech corpus CD-ROM. NIST speech disc 1-1.1CD-ROM 13, atlas9 Stellar Atmosphere Programs and 2 km s−1 gridThe NCEP/NCAR 50-year reanalysis: documentation and monthly-means CD-ROMApplied Statistics: From Bivariate through Multivariate Techniques [with CD-ROM].Numerical Recipes Source Code CD-ROM 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific ComputingNumerical Recipes Source Code CD-ROM 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing