张伯伦贵族的管家中世纪英语男 Arthur Neville Chamberlain 亚瑟•内维尔•张伯伦: (1869~1940),英国首相(1937~1940),保守党领袖,1938年与希特勒签订出卖捷克斯洛伐克的《慕尼黑协定》,纵容法西斯侵略。 Owen Chamberlain 欧文•张伯伦: (1920~2006),美国物理学家,因发现反质子,获1959诺贝尔物理学奖。
chamberlain[ 'tʃeimbəlin ]
n.British statesman who as Prime Minister pursued a policy of appeasement toward fascist Germany (1869-1940)
同义词:Neville ChamberlainArthur Neville Chamberlain
the treasurer of a municipal corporationan officer who manages the household of a king or nobleman
chamberlain 相关例句
The king ordered the Grand Chamberlain to bring the prisoner immediately. 国王命令侍卫长马上把犯人带来。
J. Maxwell Chamberlain memorial paper. Sternal wound complications after isolated coronary artery bypass grafting: early and late mo...J. Maxwell Chamberlain Memorial Paper. Early fundoplication prevents chronic allograft dysfunction in patients with gastroesophageal...Border Politics: Colby Chamberlain on Running FenceFurther observations on Jordan & ChamberlainHouston Stewart Chamberlain: Apontamento BreveKathleen P. Chamberlain. Under Sacred Ground: A History of Navajo Oil, 1922–1982. Albuquerque:Universit...Paul Thompson and Mary Chamberlain (eds.), Narrative and Genre, London: Routledge, 1997, £50.00, xvi+20...Randomised, controlled trial of faecal occult blood screening for colorectal cancer. Results for first 107,349 subjects.Concise review: mesenchymal stem cells: their phenotype, differentiation capacity, immunological features, and potential for homing.Presence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma and serum