Chequers 相关例句
- The ground under the trees is chequered with sunlight and shade.
Belief in extraterrestrial life, UFO-related beliefs, and schizotypal personalityBending and breathing modes of the Galactic discAudit of UK ventilator care bundles and discussion of subglottic secretion drainageSpontaneous generation of bending waves in isolated Milky Way-like discsSU‐E‐T‐71: A Time Dependent Model of a Passive Scattering Proton Therapy Nozzle Using TOPASSU‐E‐T‐91: Validation of Geant4 Physics for Ionization Chamber Calculations in Radiotherapy Photon BeamsSurvey of the use and practicalities of subglottic suction drainage in the UKSU‐E‐T‐60: Development and Validation of a TOPAS Model of a Spot Scanning Proton Therapy NozzleSU‐E‐T‐22: Is the Residual Range a Universal Quantity to Specify the Quality of Modulated Proton Beams?life, UFO-related personality