cherishing 相关例句
用作动词 (v.)~+名词- cherish an ardent love热爱
- cherish one's dog疼爱某人的狗
- cherish the gift珍爱礼物
- cherish the great aspirations拥有远大抱负
~+副词- cherish fondly溺爱
- cherish innocently天真地喜爱
- cherish mutually相互地疼爱
- cherish piously假仁假义地疼爱
- cherish reverently虔诚地钟爱
- cherish secretly暗中疼爱
- cherish tenderly温柔地疼爱
- cherish unconsciously无意识地疼爱
~+介词- cherish for one's motherland热爱祖国
cherish time珍惜时间
用作及物动词(vt.)- Life is hope, so we should cherish life.
生命就是希望 - I cherish my independence.
我很珍惜我的自由。 - I cherish the memory of those happy times.
我把那些美好的时光珍藏在自己的记忆里。 - A mother cherishes her baby.
Cherishing Sources from AfarETHNOGRAPHYCherishing Our SecondFiddle GenreEnlightened Cherishing: An Essay on Aesthetic Education.Cherishing the Future, Cherishing the Other : a post-classical theory of valueEnlightened cherishing : an essay on aesthetic education : the 1972 Kappa Delta Pi lectureCherishing the Goose with the Golden Eggs: Trends in Migrant Remittances from Europe to Morocco 1970–2004PRESERVING AND CHERISHING THE EARTH - AN APPEAL FOR JOINT COMMITMENT IN SCIENCE AND RELIGIONThe bovine milk proteome: cherishing, nourishing and fostering molecular complexity. An interactomics and functional overviewThe family and harmonious medical decision making: cherishing an appropriate Confucian moral balanceThe Tension between Ensuring and Protecting Personal Reputation and Cherishing Free Speech: Comparative Perspectives - an Overview o...