colleague appraisal
英:[ˈkɑlˌiɡ əˈprezəl]
colleague appraisal 基本解释
colleague appraisal 相关例句
Colleague and patient appraisal of consultant psychiatrists and the effects of patient detention on appraisal scoresAPPRAISAL INTERVIEWS AND THE STRUCTURE OF COLLEAGUE RELATIONSThe place of colleague evaluation in the appraisal of college teaching: A review of the literatureRating a boss, a colleague and a subordinateCOMPARISON OF THE RESULTS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL USING TRADITIONAL METHOD AND 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK: THE RELATIONSHIP WITH EMPLOYEE ...COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL USING TRADITIONAL METHOD AND 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK: THE RELATIONSHIP WITHA New Appraisal Technique For Stability Of Tunnel Face[Clinic interns, individual performance appraisal and obstetric quality assurance]Men as Lovers: A Feminine AppraisalThe Appraisal of Chemical Invention