collieries 相关例句
- Eight miners have been confirmed dead in a colliery blast in Yunnan Province.
Coal-Miners' Pneumoconiosis in Four Collieries in County DurhamPneumoconiosis and respiratory symptoms at eight collieriesThe International Collieries Study: Part of the Global Strategy for a Balanced World Heritage ListPossible Environmental Impact of the Closure of Two Collieries in County DurhamPOST-MINING REHABILITATION, LAND USE AND POLLUTION AT COLLIERIES IN SOUTH AFRICANumerical investigation of coal and gas outbursts in underground collieriesElemental concentrations in Canadian coals : 2. Byron creek collieries, British ColumbiaTHEORY AND TECHNOLOGY FOR HARD ROOF CONTROL OF LONGWALL FACE IN CHINESE COLLIERIESAn investigation into the cytotoxicity of respirable dusts from British collieries.804165 use of mechanized supports in mining a thick seam in prievidza coal and lignite mines (ULP) collieries (in Czech): Pesl, M Uh...