corpus spongiosum 基本解释
corpus spongiosum 相关例句
A distinctive myointimal proliferation ('myointimoma') involving the corpus spongiosum of the glans penis: a clinicopathologic and i...Cholinergic nerves in human corpus cavernosum and spongiosum contain nitric oxide synthase and heme oxygenase.Division of autonomic nerves within the neurovascular bundles distally into corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum components: immu...The corpus spongiosum penis pressure and external penile muscle activity in the goat during coitus.Relaxation of isolated human corpus spongiosum induced by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, substance P, carbachol and electrical f...Corpus spongiosum penis pressure and perineal muscle activity during reflexive erections in the rat.PRE‐ AND POSTJUNCTIONAL ADRENO‐ AND MUSCARINIC RECEPTOR FUNCTIONS IN THE ISOLATED HUMAN CORPUS SPONGIOSUM URETHRAEThe female corpus spongiosum revisitedOptical urethrotomy for anterior urethral stricture under a new local anesthesia: intracorpus spongiosum anesthesiaThe importance of near total resection of the corpus spongiosum and total resection of the corpora cavernosa in the surgery of male ...