credibleness 相关例句
credibleness of consent同意的真实性
OTC Suzhoupromisesto work under the principle of "Friendliness,Crediblenessand Considerateness", and toprovidethe bestservice to every customer.
Honcode seal presence in the medical web sites.Guarantee of reliableness?SERVICE CHECK: EFFECTIVE USER BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS & TRUST MANAGEMENT – IDENTIFY BEST CLOUDEquity and intrinsic motivation: The role of choiceThe validity range of the dipole approximation for a dielectric mixture ☆Transcultural adaptation and validation of the Stanford Presenteeism Scale for the evaluation of presenteeism for Brazilian PortugueseDesign of the Proportional Remote Control System for Field MachineDesign of mini BLDC motor controller based on PSIM simulationA STUDY ON KEY ISSUES IN GREEN MARKETING VIZ A VIZ GREEN PRODUCTSSampling techniques in test of net photosynthetic rate of plant cultivars, an example from ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.).Research on Entity-oriented Military Simulation Rule Collection Method