英:[krɪmɪ'neɪʃən] 美: [krɪmɪ'neɪʃən]
crimination 基本解释
crimination 相关例句
The Privilege against Self-Crimination; Its HistoryDrunk Driving: "Uniform Crimination"or "Discriminative Treatment"Medicine and the crimination of sin: "self-abuse"in the 19th century AmericaInvestigation of Drugged Driving Crimination Status and Legislative SuggestionsEmpirical Study on Crimination Problem of “Umbrella”upon Gangland Organization Crimes——Taking 46 Cases as ExamplesImage Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Fisher Dis criminationPerceived job dis The University of Melbourne crimination in Australia: Its correlates and consequencesNew Study on the Requisites to Constitute Corruptions and the Crimination of Joint CorruptionsIBS patients with constipation and diarrhea offer in their discrimination of and sensitivity to visceral sensory criminationAn Impirical Normative Analysis of the Legal Effects of Drunk Driving Crimination: A Sample of the Related Trial Cases in 2015 in th...