CSNET 基本解释
abbr.Computer Science NETwork 计算机科学网络;
The Computer Science Network (CSNET) was a computer network that began operation in 1981 in the United States. Its purpose was to extend networking benefits, for computer science departments at academic and research institutions that could not be directly connected to ARPANET, due to funding or authorization limitations.以上来源于:Wikipedia
CSNET 相关例句
CSNETCSNETCSNETCSNET protocol softwareThe CSNET name serverCSNET protocol software:the IP-to-X.25 interfaceCSNET protocol software: the IP-to-X.25 interfaceCSNET protocol software: the IP-to-X.25 interfaceHistory and overview of CSNETThe Design of the CSNET Name ServerArchitecture of the CSNET name serverThe Computer Science Research Network CSNET: A History and Status Report.二聚体有机锡配合物{[n-BuSnOCCH(CSNEt)]O}的合成、表征及晶体结构