英:[ˌkʌlpə'bɪlətɪ] 美: [kʌlpəˈbɪlətɪ]
culpability 基本解释
culpability[ kʌlpə'biləti ]
n.a state of guilt同义词:blameworthinessculpableness
culpability 相关例句
- The state of being responsible for a fault or an error; culpability.
责备,谴责对过失或错误的责任的状态; 应受谴责的行为 - Culpability for a crime or lesser breach of regulations that carries a legal penalty.
Culpability and ControlCulpability and Accountability of Hospitalized Injured Alcohol-Impaired Drivers: A Prospective StudyThe Biology of Culpability:: Pathological Identity and Crime Control in a Biological CultureIMAGES OF DANGER AND CULPABILITY: RACIAL STEREOTYPING, CASE PROCESSING, AND CRIMINAL SENTENCINGCommunity, responsibility and culpability: HIV risk‐management amongst Scottish gay menOn the Robustness of Outcome Bias: No Constraint by Prior Culpability.Physical and psychological causality as determinants of culpability in sexual harassment casesExplaining Away Responsibility: Effects of Scientific Explanation on Perceived CulpabilityCriminal decision making: the development of adolescent judgment, criminal responsibility, and culpability.A meta-analysis of the association between authoritarianism and jurors' perceptions of defendant culpability.