英:[ˌsɪstɪ'sɜ:kɔɪd] 美: [ˌsɪstɪ'sɜkɔɪd]
cysticercoid 基本解释
A cysticercoid is the larval stage of certain tapeworms, similar in appearance to a cysticercus, but having the scolex filling completely the enclosing cyst. In tapeworm infestations, cysticercoids can be seen in free form as well as enclosed by cysts in biological tissues such as the intestinal mucosa.以上来源于:Wikipedia
cysticercoid 相关例句
cysticercoidCysticercoidCysticercoidA dilepidid cysticercoid from Uromastix hardwickii and its experimental development in pup.The fine structure of the cysticercoid of Hymenolepis diminuta. III. The scolexThe functional significance of scolex retraction and subsequent cyst formation in the cysticercoid larva of Hymenolepis microstoma.Hymenolepis diminuta: active transport of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid by cysticercoid larvae.Continuity of morphology from oncosphere to early cysticercoid in the development of Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea).Absorption of glucose and sodium acetate by cysticercoid larvae of Hymenolepis diminuta.The in vitro cultivation of Hymenolepis microstoma from cysticercoid to egg-producing adultPolymorphism of microtriches in the cysticercoid of Ophryocotyle insig...Studies in Cysticercoid Histology. IV. Observations on Histogenesis in the Cysticercoid of Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda: Cyclophyll...Ultrastructural studies of the cysticercoid of moniezia expansa (Anoplocephalidae) with special reference to the development of the ...