cystic hygroma
英:[ˈsistik haiˈɡrəumə]
cystic hygroma 基本解释
cystic hygroma 相关例句
Cystic hygromaCYSTIC HYGROMACystic hygroma.Fetal cystic hygroma. Cause and natural history.Cystic hygroma of the head and neck. A review of 37 casesCystic hygroma‐lymphangioma: A rare and still unclear entityCystic hygroma/lymphangioma: a rational approach to management.A UNIFIED CONCEPT OF LYMPHANGIOMA AND CYSTIC HYGROMA.First-trimester septated cystic hygroma: prevalence, natural history, and pediatric outcomeIntracystic injection of OK-432: a new sclerosing therapy for cystic hygroma in children.High frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities in fetuses with cystic hygroma diagnosed in the first trimester.Multicystic, peritoneal mesothelioma: a report with electron microscopy of a case mimicking intra-abdominal cystic hygroma (lymphang...Syndrome of multiple pterygia, camptodactyly, facial anomalies, hypoplastic lungs and heart, cystic hygroma, and skeletal anomalies:...