dawt 相关例句
DAWT: Densely Annotated Wikipedia Texts Across Multiple LanguagesCost analysis of DAWT innovative wind energy systemsSize effects in DAWT innovative wind energy system designTechnical development of the Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine /DAWT/ conceptAn assessment of the performance of diffuser augmented wind turbines (DAWT's)Experimental and numerical study of a diffuser augmented wind turbine - DAWTExperimental and Numerical Studies of a High Solidity, Low Tip Speed Ratio DAWTPreliminary design and economic investigations of Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbines (DAWT)An Assessment of the Performance of Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbines (DAWT's) - Bussel_ASME_diffusor.pdfSTUDI NUMERIK PENGARUH GEOMETRI DAN DESAIN DIFFUSER UNTUK PENINGKATAN KINERJA DAWT (DIFFUSER AUGMENTED WIND TURBINE)