DBF 相关例句
A study of experimental C-band DBF systemThe application of DBF neural networks for object recognitionDigital beam forming (DBF) antenna system for mobile communicationsA DBF self-beam steering array antenna for mobile satelliteapplications using beam-space maximalBeamforming experiment with a DBF multibeam antenna in a mobile satellite environmentA DBF self-beam steering array antenna for mobile satellite applications using beam-space maximal-ratio combinationA remote calibration for DBF transmitting array antennas by using synchronous orthogonal codesTwo-dimensional RAKE reception scheme for DS/CDMA systems in DBF antenna configurationDevelopment of 61-Channel Digital Beamforming (DBF) Transmitter Array for Mobile Satellite CommunicationAssociation of RPA with chromosomal replication origins requires an Mcm protein, and is regulated by Rad53, and cyclin- and Dbf4-dep...