Deans 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The distress of Deans's family had also their share in his unpleasant reflection.
而迪恩斯一家的痛苦,在他的不愉快的回忆中也占一席之地。 - As Deans repelled with some force the rude pushes which he received on all sides, his figure and antiquated dress caught the attention of the rabble.
Eastern Association of DeansViews of managed care--a survey of students, residents, faculty, and deans at medical schools in the United States.Gene Andrew Jarrett,
Deans and Truants: Race and Realism in African American Literature (Philadelphia: U...Minimal criteria for defining multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells. The International Society for Cellular Therapy position stateme...Clarification of the nomenclature for MSC: The International Society for Cellular Therapy position statementMesenchymal stem cells suppress lymphocyte proliferation in vitro and prolong skin graft survival in vivoMesenchymal stem cells: biology and potential clinical usesMesenchymal stem cells: biology and potential clinical uses.Human mesenchymal stem cells engraft and demonstrate site-specific differentiation after in utero transplantation in sheep.Dominici M, Le Blanc K, Mueller I, Slaper-Cortenbach I, Marini F, Krause D et al.. Minimal criteria for defining multipotent mesench...