decoyed 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- This is just a motherfucking decoy.
用作动词(v.)- He succeeded in decoying the ducks toward his blind.
他成功地把野鸭引诱到他的隐藏处。 - He was decoyed by a false message into enemy territory.
Secure open-air communication system utilizing multi-channel decoyed transmissionSecure open-air communication system utilyzing multi-channel decoyed transmissionSecure open-air communication system utilizing multi-channel decoyed transmissionStudy on Decoyed Measurement Device Independent Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Using Orbital Angular MomentumDecoyed from TumorigenesisHitting probability of ARMs decoyed by AWACSsDecoyed by OrthodoxyDecoyed Pigeons[Inhibition of the microbial activity in rumen juice in vitro by extracts from decoyed plant substance]Etude de la selectivite d'incorporation et de retention de derives d'hematoporphyrine par les cellules normales et tumorales : bases...