deforests 相关例句
用作动词(v.)- I intend that humans cease to deforest and reforest those regions that have been deforested.
我希望人类停止滥砍伐,并对那些已经过度砍伐的森林重新造林。 - There was no option but to deforest the area.
The Deforests of Avesnes and of New NetherlandDeforests of Avesnes and Kast, McGinnessUS deforests JapanGulf War deforests AmazonL'enginyer Primitiu Artigas i el col·lectiu d'enginyers de forests catalans de finals del segle XIXThe De Forests and the Walloon founding of New AmsterdamThe de Forests of Avesnes (and of New-Netherland). J.W. de ForestASPECTS OF THE ECOLOGY OF VASCULAR EPIPHYTES IN TWO COLOMBIAN CLOUD FORESTS. II. HABITAT PREFERENCES OF BROMELIACEAE IN THE SERRANIA...Time‐varying photoelectron flux effects on spacecraft potential at geosynchronous orbitKate Beaumont (Classic Reprint)