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CRUST 5.1: A global crustal model at 5° × 5°Self-diffusion in normal and heavy water in the range 1-45.deg.A 2-V 23-/spl mu/A 5.3-ppm//spl deg/C curvature-compensated CMOS bandgap voltage referenceA sub-1-V 15-ppm//spl deg/C CMOS bandgap voltage reference without requiring low threshold voltage deviceH(+)-gated cation channels: neuronal acid sensors in the NaC/DEG family of ion channels.Novel gold catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide at a temperature far below 0.DEG.C.STUDIES OF GAS AND ELECTROLYTE EQUILIBRIA IN BLOOD. XI. THE SOLUBILITY OF HYDROGEN AT 38° IN BLOOD SERUM AND CELLSA novel site for ubiquitination: the N-terminal residue, and not internal lysines of MyoD, is essential for conjugation and degradat...Density, thermal expansivity, and compressibility of liquid water from 0.deg. to 150.deg.. Correlations and tables for atmospheric p...Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degenera...