demeaning 相关例句
- Don't demean yourself by telling such obvious lies.
你不要用这种明显的谎言自贬人格。 - He found it very demeaning to have to work for his former employee.
Demeaning Conditioning Diagnostics through CenteringWeaning is demeaning. It's time for liberation!Demeaning, Demoralizing, and Disenfranchising Divorced Dads[Demeaning Conditioning Diagnostics through Centering]: CommentMotor neurone disease: a demeaning illnessDemeaning the data in panel-cointegration models to control for cross-sectional dependenciesAffirmative action policies are demeaning to women in academia.Student Teaching Evaluations: Inaccurate, Demeaning, MisusedAll the livelong day : the meaning and demeaning of routine work / Barbara GarsonMedia: The Whole Thing Was a Demeaning Stunt. but Why Should Boris Worry? ; Why `the Spectator' Commands Attention out of All Propor...