dens 相关例句
den of thieves贼窝
gambling den赌场
用作名词(n.)- Dens evaginatus is a developmental anomaly that produces a tubercle on the occlusal surface of a tooth.
Dens of Northern Flying Squirrels in the Pacific NorthwestDENS: Data Center Energy-Efficient Network-Aware SchedulingAn uncommon case of crowned dens syndrome in a dialysis patientBlack Bear Cub Mortality Due to Flooding of Natal DensAnterior stabilization for acute fractures and non-unions of the densEpitaxial YBa_2Cu_3O_7 on Biaxially Textured Nickel (001): An Approach to Superconducting Tapes with High Critical Current DensityAccuracy of interpolation techniques for the derivation of digital elevation models in relation to landform types and data densityThe binding and processing of mannose-bovine serum albumin derivatives by rabbit alveolar macrophages. Effect of the sugar density.Depth-dependent compressive properties of normal aged human femoral head articular cartilage: relationship to fixed charge density.Mass spectrometric quantification of markers for protein oxidation by tyrosyl radical, copper, and hydroxyl radical in low density l...