densest 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- My hometown is a large city with a dense population.
:我的家乡是个人口密集的大城市。 - Books with dense print can be difficult to read.
印得密密麻麻的书阅读起来很困难。 - A dense mass of black hair framed his face.
浓密的黑发衬托着他的面庞。 - They hewed their way through the dense jungle.
他们在浓密的丛林里开辟出一条路来。 - Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.
Detecting high log-densities: an O ( n ¼ ) approximation for densest k -subgraphDetecting high log-densities---an $O(nsp {1/4})$ approximation for densest $k$-subgraph.On the Densest K-Subgraph ProblemOn the densest k-subgraph problemsSelf-assembly of uniform polyhedral silver nanocrystals into densest packings and exotic superlatticesThe densest hemisphere problemCrystalline assemblies and densest packings of a family of truncated tetrahedra and the role of directional entropic forces.Multi-skill Collaborative Teams based on Densest SubgraphsEntity Linking meets Word Sense Disambiguation: a Unified ApproachTHE STEADY STATE OF SANDY SOILS