depredator 相关例句
[A honey depredator. Skull sphinx]. [Spanish][A pest depredator of pastures: vole]. [French][A new depredator of sugar cane: Mythimma loreyi Dup. [in Morocco]]. [French]La “seguridad” depredadora/Depredator “security”Depredator mites, Phytoseiidae and Stigmaeidae, present in guava and their relation to abiotic factors[Interaction between the depredator and its prey [insects, Panama]]. [Spanish][Depredator capacity of Duddingtonia flagrans and Arthrobotrys oligospora on infectant larvae of Haemonchus contortus]METHOD OF PREVENTING HARM PRODUCED BY DEPREDATOR TO FIBROUS ARTICLE, COMPOSITION AND USE[Hololepta (Lioderma) quadridentata Fabricius depredator of the black weevil of banana Cosmopolites sordidus German][Influence of size in female of Cephalonomia stephanoderis betrem (Hymenoptera: bethylidae) in their depredator and reproductor beha...