deservingness 相关例句
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A deservingness approach to respect as a relationally based fairness judgment.Judgments of deservingness: studies in the psychology of justice and achievementValues, deservingness, and attitudes toward high achievers: Research on tall poppies.Deservingness versus values in public opinion on welfare: The automaticity of the deservingness heuristicThe Influence of Perceived Deservingness on Policy Decisions Regarding Aid to the PoorThe roles of invidious comparisons and deservingness in sympathy and Schadenfreude.Deservingness and emotions: Applying the structural model of deservingness to the analysis of affective reactions to outcomes.Values, achievement, and justice: Studies in the psychology of deservingness.Making the difference in social Europe: deservingness perceptions among citizens of European welfare statesSocial Welfare as Small‐Scale Help: Evolutionary Psychology and the Deservingness Heuristic