英:[daɪ'ɪərɪsɪs] 美: [daɪ'erəsɪs]
dieresis 基本解释
dieresis[ dai'iərisis, -'εrəsis ]
n.a diacritical mark (two dots) placed over a vowel in German to indicate a change in sound同义词:umlautdiaeresis
dieresis 相关例句
Potentials and Pitfalls of Panel DatadieresisdieresisProduction of cumulative protons in neutrino-nucleus interactionsHemorheology and Erythrodieresis in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. Medical PlasmapheresisMETHOD FOR DETECTING AND COUNTING CELLS UNDERGOING CYTODIERESISSpireme karyodieresis: a new type of reductional divisionAngular, energy, and mass correlations for spontaneous fission of /sup 252/Cf with emission of /sup 3/H, /sup 4/He, and /sup 6/He nu...Hadronic production of heavy particles with mixed flavorLipodieresis in Liver Tissue of Depancreatized Dogs.