digging 相关例句
digging machine挖土机,采掘机
用作名词(n.)- He was digging potatoes with a spade.
他正在用铁锹挖马铃薯。 - They are digging irrigation ditches.
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DIGGING NAVIGATIONMitogenomics: digging deeper with complete mitochondrial genomesA Late Jurassic digging mammal and early mammalian diversificationA Late Jurassic digging mammal and early mammalian diversification.Sampling ants with pitfall traps: Digging-in effectsGrizzly bear digging sites for Hedysarum sulphurescens roots in southwestern AlbertaDigging and marble burying in mice: simple methods for in vivo identification of biological impactsRepeated evolution of limblessness and digging heads in worm lizards revealed by DNA from old bones.Digging out the "digging-in effect"of pitfall traps : Influences of depletion and disturbance on catches of ground beetles (Coleopt...Epigenetic dynamics of stem cells and cell lineage commitment: digging Waddington's canal