DIGS 相关例句
- One that digs graves.
掘墓者挖掘坟墓的人 - She makes mean little digs at him.
Caveolae, DIGs, and the dynamics of sphingolipid-cholesterol microdomainsColorectal cancer: molecules and populationHarter, T & Simons, K. Caveolae, DIGs, and dynamics of sphingolipid-cholesterol microdomains. Curr Opin Cell Biol, 9: 534-542Diagnostic interview for genetic studies (DIGS): inter-rater and test-retest reliability of alcohol and drug diagnoses.Diagnostic interview for genetic studies (DIGS): inter-rater and test-retest reliability of the French version.Research on Teaching College Economics: A SurveyResearch on Teaching College Economics: Selected Readings.The Empire Digs in; amid All the Talk of Withdrawing Troops from Iraq, Bush Requests Funds to Build a Network of Super-Bases across ...The Nlrp3 inflammasome regulates acute graft-versus-host diseaseHuman Papillomavirus Deregulates the Response of a Cellular Network Comprising of Chemotactic and Proinflammatory...