dionaea 相关例句
dionaea Louchapates勺子捕蝇草
Dionaea muscipula 捕蝇草 ; 金星捕蝇器 ; 红夹捕蝇草 ; 花市捕蝇草
Akko dionaea巴西阿科
Dionaea Biohazard生化危机捕蝇草
water dionaea貉藻
Dionaea muscipula Fused Tooth融齿捕蝇草
Dionaea muscipula All Red全红捕蝇草
Dionaea Venus Flytrap捕蝇草
Frontiers|A legion of hungry mouths..!Kinetics and mechanism of Dionaea muscipula trap closing.The action potential of Dionaea muscipula Ellis.On the mechanism of trap closure of Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula Ellis)Inhibition of the Dionaea muscipula Ellis trap closure by ion and water channels blockers and uncouplersOn the mechanism underlying photosynthetic limitation upon trigger hair irritation in the carnivorous plant Venus flytrap (Dionaea m...Note on the Electrical Phenomena Which Accompany Irritation of the Leaf of Dionaea muscipulaEllagic acid derivatives and naphthoquinones of Dionaea muscipula from in vitro cultures ☆Voltage-dependent K channels in protoplasts of trap-lobe cells ofDionaea muscipulaTHE SECRETORY CYCLE OF DIONAEA MUSCIPULA ELLIS IV. THE ENZYMOLOGY OF THE SECRETION