dismounts 相关例句
用作动词(v.)- He who rides on a tiger can never dismount.
[谚]骑虎难下。 - I had to dismount from my bicycle halfway up the hill.
我骑到半山腰只得从脚踏车上下来。 - Two soldiers dismounted the gun from the base.
Maximal dismounts from high bar.Dismounts in gymnastics: should scoring be reevaluated?Twisting Techniques Used in Dismounts From the RingsTwisting techniques used in high bar dismountsHigh bar release in triple somersault dismountsThe margin for error when releasing the high bar for dismountsThe margin for error when releasing the asymmetric bars for dismountsApproach to a biomechanical profile of dismounts and release-regrasp skills of the high barWhole-body and multi-joint kinematic control strategy variability during backward rotating dismounts from beam.Mechanical energetic processes during the giant swing exercise before dismounts and flight elements on the high bar and the uneven p...