DLC 基本解释
abbr.Data Link Control 数据链路控制;
DLC 相关例句
HYDROPHOBIC COATING INCLUDING DLC ON SUBSTRATEDLC-1 gene inhibits human breast cancer cell growth and in vivo tumorigenicity.DLC-1 operates as a tumor suppressor gene in human non-small cell lung carcinomasA review of modified DLC coatings for biological applicationsGenetic and Epigenetic Alterations of DLC-1 Gene in Hepatocellular CarcinomaDesign of a Ti/TiC/DLC functionally gradient coating based on studies of structural transitions in Ti–C thin filmsSystematic variation of the Raman spectra of DLC films as a function of sp 2 :sp 3 compositionRestoration of DLC-1 gene expression induces apoptosis and inhibits both cell growth and tumorigenicity in human hepatocellular carc...Deleted in Liver Cancer (DLC) 2 Encodes a RhoGAP Protein with Growth Suppressor Function and Is Underexpressed in Hepatocellular Car...Cloning, characterization, and chromosomal localization of a gene frequently deleted in human liver cancer (DLC-1) homologous to rat...