英:[ɪ'kɒnəmaɪz] 美: [ɪ'kɒnəˌmaɪz]
economise 基本解释
economise[ i'kɔnəmaiz ]
v.spend sparingly, avoid the waste of同义词:saveeconomize
use cautiously and frugally同义词:conservehusbandeconomize
economise 相关例句
- Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford–we must start to economize.
An economised craniofacial identification systemEnsemble regulateur economiseur d'oxygeneHow to economise on fuel [inshore motor fishing vessels].HOW TO ECONOMISE IN TRANSPORT, INTERMINISTERIAL STUDY OF THE RATIONALIZATION OF BUDGETARY CHOICEUse of Pre-Engineered Steel Sections to Economise the StructureIMMEASURABLE DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS SPURRED BY NEED TO ECONOMISEIntegrated nutrient management to economise phosphorus and potassium in rainfed rice.Soaking of seed potatoes in phosphate solution to economise on the fertilizer inputThe agricultural value of phosphate fertilizers which economise in the use of sulphuric acid.The CO2-concentrating mechanism in the physiological context: lowering the CO2 supply diminishes culture growth and economises starc...