英:['i:kətəʊn] 美: ['ikətoʊn]
ecotone 基本解释
An ecotone is a transition area between two biomes. It is where two communities meet and integrate.以上来源于:Wikipedia
ecotone 相关例句
Ecotone HierarchiesEcotone characterization between upland longleaf pine/wiregrass stands and seasonally-ponded isolated wetlandsA rapid upward shift of a forest ecotone during 40 years of warming in the Green Mountains of Vermont.Conifer seedling distribution and survival in an alpine-treeline ecotoneDrought-induced shift of a forest-woodland ecotone: rapid landscape response to climate variationSoil-geomorphic heterogeneity governs patchy vegetation dynamics at an arid ecotone.Coexistence of three species of hawks (Buteo spp.) in the prairie–parkland ecotonePrediction of Vegetation Patterns at the Limits of Plant Life: A New View of the Alpine-Nival EcotoneModeling the Influence of Topographic Barriers on Treeline Advance at the Forest-Tundra Ecotone in Northwestern AlaskaDisturbance and climatic influences on age structure of ponderosa pine at the pine/grassland ecotone, Colorado Front Range