ecstacy 基本解释
ecstacy 相关例句
Another death from Ecstacy.Ecstacy/MDMA attributed problems reported by novice, moderate and heavy recretional usersSubjective effects of MDMA ('Ecstacy') on human sexual functionMDMA (Ecstacy): useful information for health professionals involved in drug education programsCardiovascular toxicity after ingestion of "herbal ecstacy".Raves, Risks and the Ecstacy Panic: A Case Study in the Subversive Nature of Moral RegulationInvestigating the potential neurotoxicity of ecstacy (MDMA). An imaging approachRecreational MDMA use in Sydney: a profile of 'Ecstacy' users and their experiences with the drug.Solid-phase microextraction/capillary gas chromatography for the profiling of confiscated ecstacy and amphetamineSensation seeking, attitudes toward drug use, and actual use among adolescents: testing a model for alcohol and ecstacy use