英:[ˌektə'mɔ:fɪk] 美: [ˌektə'mɔfɪk]
ectomorphic 基本解释
ectomorphic[ ,ektə'mɔ:fik ]
adj.having a build with little fat or muscle but with long limbs
ectomorphic 相关例句
Treating the ectomorphic constitution.Ectomorphic somatotype and joint hypermobility are linked in panic patientsENDOMORPHIC AND ECTOMORPHIC CHARACTERS IN PELECYPHORA AND ENCEPHALOCARPUSEctomorphic habitus, severe mental retardation, and characteristic face: A new MCA/MR syndrome?Ectomorphic somatotype and joint hypermobility as potential markers for co-morbid anxiety in schizophreniaEctomorphic body habitus, microcephaly, developmental delay with characteristic facial phenotype: a new entity?Ectomorphic somatotype and joint hypermobility are linked in panic and agoraphobic patients: a case-control studyCOMPARISON BETWEEN ENDOMORPHIC, MESOMORPHIC & ECTOMORPHIC JUMPERS AND THROWERSComparison of growth in height and weight between ectomorphic and mesomorphic boys.COMPARISON OF ENDOMORPHIC MESOMORPHIC AND ECTOMORPHIC COMPONENTS OF COLLEGE LEVEL LONG DISTANCE RUNNERS