ectopic thyroid
英:[ekˈtɔpik ˈθaɪˌrɔɪd]
ectopic thyroid 基本解释
ectopic thyroid 相关例句
Ectopic thyroid.Ectopic thyroid.Ectopic thyroidEctopic thyroid cancer.Ectopic thyroid in the adrenal glandSubmandibular ectopic thyroid gland.Ectopic thyroid tissue presenting as a submandibular massThyroglossal duct and ectopic thyroid disordersClinical characteristics of ectopic thyroid in Korea.Ectopic thyroid tissue: anatomical, clinical, and surgical implications of a rare entityCarcinoma arising in median ectopic thyroid (including thyroglossal duct tissue)False-positive fluorescence thyroid scan for ectopic thyroid tissueEctepic thyroid tissue and ectopic thyroid carcinoma: a review of the literature and report of a case