英:[ˈektəʊplæzəm] 美: [ˈektoʊplæzəm]
ectoplasm 基本解释
ectoplasm[ 'ektəuplæzəm ]
n.(spiritualism) a substance supposed to emanate from the body of the medium during a trancethe outer granule-free layer of cytoplasm
ectoplasm 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The caster can use other spells to compel the ghost to manifest, or can provide ectoplasm for its manifestation.
那投手能使用其他法术强迫这个鬼魂出现,或者提供给他能显现的外质。 - Creatures born in bodies torn apart by spirits, animated by the ectoplasm left in the wounds.
EctoplasmEctoplasmEctoplasmEctoplasm has no topology ☆Ectoplasm has no topology: The preludeEctoplasm has no topology: The preludeElectron Microscopy of the Ectoplasm and Infraciliature of Spirostomum ambiguumSome observations on potential differences across the ectoplasm membrane of ParameciumComponent actions from curved superspace: Normal coordinates and ectoplasm 1Identification of actin in situ at the ectoplasm-endoplasm interface of Nitella. Microfilament-chloroplast associationComponent actions from curved superspace: Normal coordinates and ectoplasm 1 Research supported by NSF grants PHY-96-43219, PHY-9604...The contractile basis of ameboid movement. II. Structure and contractility of motile extracts and plasmalemma-ectoplasm ghostsIntracellular Localization and Dichroic Orientation of Phytochrome in Plasma Membrane and/or Ectoplasm of a Centrifuged Protonema of...