英:['ektəsɑ:k] 美: ['ektəˌsɑk]
ectosarc 相关例句
Combined sustained release agent and preparation thereof for preventing and treating livestock helminth, acarid and ectosarc diseaseOrganization of cytoskeleton during the tentacle contraction and cytostome movement in the dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans McC...The structure and division of paramecium trichium stokesUeber einige in der Erde lebende Amöben und andere RhizopodenMonocystid gregarines of Nigerian earthworms. I. Adelphocystis aeikineta gen.nov., sp.nov. from the coelom of Keffia variabilis Clau...Notice of some freshwater and terrestrial RhizopodsFreia ampulla, the flask-animalculeOn Gloidium quadrifidum, a new genus of the group ProtistaOn the Nature of Cytoplasmic Constituents in Amoeba diploidea Examined by Means of Staining and Chemical Reactions (With 3 Tables, 4...Soil Amoeba (Naegleria gruberi) Coalesce to Form a Plasmodium