egged 相关例句
egg white蛋白
egg yolk蛋黄
golden eggs 金蛋(便于创造就业机会的场所) , 巨大利润
in the egg在初期,在萌芽状态,尚未发展的,未成熟的(常与crush连用)
easter egg n. 复活节彩色蛋
good egg讨人喜欢的人,有趣味的人
egg shell[医]卵壳
preserved egg n. 皮蛋
egg on怂恿
bad egg坏蛋;不可信任的人
duck egg鸭蛋
fertilized egg受精卵,孕卵
boiled egg水煮鸡蛋
egg cell[生]卵细胞
nest egg储蓄金,储备金(为养老或应变等用)
fried egg煎蛋;荷包蛋
easter egg hunt寻找复活节彩蛋活动
egg roll蛋卷
quail egg鹌鹑蛋
duck's egg 得零分;鸭蛋;零分(等于duck egg)
- Her friends egged on Mabel to spend money to show off.
梅布尔的朋友们怂恿她花钱摆阔气。 - Egged on by Iago, Othello makes up his mind to kill Desdemona.
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