Ellie is a 1984 comedy film directed by Peter Wittman and distributed by Troma Entertainment. Set in the deep south, the film follows the titular Ellie (Sheila Kennedy); after witnessing her father's murder at the hands of her stepmother and her three lecherous stepbrothers, Ellie vows to avenge her father's death using the only weapon she has: her voluptuous body.
ellie 相关例句
Ellie made me feel like a child who was pigging out on junk food! 埃莉弄得我感觉好像自己是个贪吃杂食的小孩似的!
But you're happy the way you are, and Ellie needs to hear that. 而你呢,觉得自己现在这样就很不错,那就必须让埃莉知道你的这一感觉。
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